Hello all!
It’s been a long stretch of winter since our last dig, and things are finally starting to look better out there.
Come on out this Sunday the 20th, (10am-1pm). We’ll be fixing up some ruts/rain damage, and working on a new entrance to Yellow Brick Road after some heavy rain/erosion. Bring a rake, shovel, food and water. A mask also if working close with others. Our local mtb scene has shown their love over the past few seasons, and this ones shaping up to be the best so far. Let’s dig in!!
Meet at the Mt. Ozzard gate at 10am.
Also, if you haven’t already renewed your UMBA membership for the year, please visit our website: https://uclueletmountainbikeassociation.org/
(By becoming a member you help us pay for important things like trail insurance, and help bolster our “membership” count when applying for grants…)